Monday, December 31, 2007

Needing to remember

Picture of me & thomas tracing "A"'s sweet little foot so we could bring him back shoes that fit on our next trip. Pic of me, thomas & Greg after i threw up 25 times, not looking my prettiest. Other pic of thomas in orphanage playing.

Well, i'm in bed with walking pneumonia...i don't feel terrible..just was wheezing last week. So i'm resting & reading other people's adoption blogs from America World (our great adoption agency). We are all able to talk with one another also on a yahoo group & that's wonderful because we can give tips to eachother & keep track of who's meeting their child & when. It's so mind boggling to me that each of these families is changing the life of a child & there's so much excitement & anticipation along the way. Now that we're coming nearing to the end of our journey, it's fun to help people who are at the beginning. So i was thinking of "A" & our first meeting & how in shock i was that i was there...i was just in a survival/travel mode so i look forward to when he's actually home & i can feel free to love him. My mom said that she loved "A" the other day & it made me so happy. My mom had that concern that many people will i be able to love him like he's our own type of to see her journey to this place where she's so excited for us to bring him home, is a blessing to me. I want to post a few more pics of our trip to Siberia so i can remember that this is all real.

1 comment:

Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

Since we can't be with you on your trips to Siberia, it is really nice to share in the memories through your pictures.

Thank you for sharing your baby story with us! We love you all!