Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy 4 Years!

On September 27, Greg & I will be married 4 years...congrats to us :) It's been a peaceful & productive four years. We met in January, married in September & had Thomas in January 2005. Then we got the calling to adopt in 2006 & here we are celebrating our 4th anniversary & expecting to meet that little boy soon. I am grateful to Greg for the marriage bliss we experience. He's just an easy going,
non-moody, peace making kind of guy...this is why the public is blessed to have him as a peace officer. I on the other hand would be giving tickets out & clubbing people on my bad days - just kidding of course.

Adoption speaking, we are hoping to be officially registered in our region in OCT/NOV. We are in the process of updating lots of our documents that will expire in the next few months. Just when you think you don't have to look at the paperwork anymore, it turns out you do. This time around though it's easier because we know what we're doing. As we update documents & continue to ride out this "wait" period, I've been reading books that are helping me to be more couragous ...Pastor John Ortberg's "If you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat," & Father Flanagan's Boys Town. I love to read books about ordinary people who are called by God to do extraordinary things. There's a common journey a person takes when having a heavenly task at hand..they start out swimming in the unknown & end up marveling at what God's done thru them...they get past the fear, the unanswered questions, the financial concerns, etc. So i'm learning from those who've been there done that & it's given me a real sense that we'll be just fine.

1 comment:

Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

Well... let me be the first to comment and say:

"Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, Greg and Jeanette!"

Your wedding was a beautiful occasion and a great memory for us! We are so glad your marriage and love for each other has brought you to this point in your life... adoption! What a blessing you will be to a little baby!

Give Thomas a hug for us!