Monday, October 1, 2007

Ladies Spa Event

On Saturday, September 29th a few ladies came together for a wonderful spa treatment morning at my friend Kathy's house. I met Kathy at church and she sells BeautyControl Spa Products for the home. She offered to do a spa morning for us & donate half of her profit to the Dini Adoption Fund. So I took her up on her offer & it turned out to be a relaxing time of socializing & trying out spa products (Hands, feet & facial)...We ate some scones & croissants & I made Mimosa's(champagne & OJ) for the 1st time. I was a bit anxious at first as I seem to always be before any event. After being irritated at myself for my uptight ways, I decided that it's just because I want everyone to enjoy themselves. I'm aware that time is valuable especially Saturday morning!

One of my favorite people is Tony Robbins (the motivational speaker)...I've learned so much from him over the years. He taught me thru his books that if you want to grow that you have to intentionally do things that are new, different, out of your comfort zone, etc. This adoption is a huge huge challenge in all aspects for me & during the process I can already see where i've become stronger, more confident & better for it. It kind of makes me wonder what else i'm capable of doing but i stop there cause lets not get crazy!

1 comment:

Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

Wow! I wish I lived closer to you so I could have been there... sounds wonderfully relaxing! And if your Mimosa's are as good as Sue's, then that would have been oh so nice!