Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A mom & dad for Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone & to my Jewish friends, hope it was a Happy Hanukkah. What a wonderful Christmas we all had! Today we're relaxing & organizing presents we received & we've watched thomas delight in playing with his new toys.

I had so many thoughts of "A" during this Christmas season.. thoughts of how he will soon have a family - a big Italian family at that!. And over & over it occurred to me that he has never known having a mom & dad..of course when you think of an orphan, that means, no parents but it really really struck me what that means. I think that Christmas brings up so many joyful memories for me growing up that it made me think of all the memories "A" does not have but soon will. My whole childhood was shaped by the love of my security, safety - all my needs met by these 2 people....i still cannot get over that some children, lots of children are born into this world & do not have parents! That is where i feel that adoption is such a is a child, given up shortly after birth, grows up in an institution for almost 2 years & then by adoption, we get to be his mom & dad & boom, his life changes forever - what an awesome concept! I wish this for every child out there...

I look so forward to giving "A" what i had in life.... i want to let "A" run around all over grass & dirt & mud - just like my mom let me...i want him to smell the arouma of birthday cakes cooking in the kitchen while he's in his cozy bedroom..i want him to experience the warmth & magic of the sun shining thru his bedroom window...watching the seasons thru the windows, the trees changing, the wind, the rain...all the wonders of nature. I want him to know that magic of opening up gifts & the beauty of Christmas trees...I want him to know what it's like to have a brother & hopefully a sister some day :) I want him to grow in his relationship with our Creator...Creator of all that is good & wonderful & to celebrate that joy! I cannot wait for him to eat meals with us, to have a place at the table, to have jobs to do around the house - to have an allowance. There are such great joys awaiting him & i must say that because i was loved, i am able to love him.
I will be there for him like my mom was there for me all day long...we will cook together, & we'll learn new things together & i especially look forward to showing him the outdoor joys of nature.

1 comment:

Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

What wonderful Christmas thoughts... "A" is more than just a child, he is a gift for you to open all the days of his life!

We cannot wait for him to be home with you... I can just feel the love that you have bursting inside of you to share with him! "A" and Thomas will have the most special relationship growing up! We are so thankful that you have chosen to adopt and we will continue to do what we can to support you.

We love you and pray for a speedy finalization of bringing "A" home!