Wednesday, October 1, 2008

From no family to family...

Sometimes it hits me, i'll be looking at Andrey doing something or playing with thomas or greg & i'll think "he never had a dad, he never had a brother, he never had a teddy bear, he never had a mother to tuck him in at night! And wow, i think - "look at him, he's got a mom, dad, brother, grandparents, greatparents, church, Jesus, aunts, uncles, parks to play in, the sun to make him sweat" (Siberia was freezing most of the time :))

As we leave the season of summer, i believe that we gave him some of the best gifts.. the gifts that were passed down to me...mud, dirt, sunshine, lazy summer days, water, trucks, mud pies, neighbor friends, open fields of grass, swings & slides, smoothies, ice cream & water pops!

I'm in awe of how God works...He speaks to us with a small still voice & somehow it gets louder over time until you cannot deny His message to you. In our case, the message was "you need to adopt a child from an orphanage before you have another child." Um, that was loud & clear! So having survived our call..we are on the other side marveling over what blessings God had in store for Andrey. God really does love & care for orphans.

1 comment:

heidi said...

That was an awesome post!