Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh Yah, $1189 FINAL TALLY from our sale today!

Today we had our 7th garage sale fundraiser hosted by our dear friend Dorothy. She wanted to do one for us & at first i said "no" because i was so burnt out from pre-adoption yard sales. Dorothy looked so excited about it that i changed my mind after i thought it wouldn't kill me too & so today we had a huge sale. Our total was $889! Wow...what a chunk of money! (dorothy wants to hit $1000 by putting items on Craigs list that didn't sell).

For all the people who donated items to help us, WE APPRECIATE YOU. We had such good stuff & had many people make an effort to look thru their garages & closets for items to give. We had lots of fast cash items too. Thanks to Dorothy, her hubby Dan, my sister Maryann & friend Judy for coming out to set up at 6am! & thanks to the clean up crew, Dorothy & her hubby Dan, my hubby Greg who was running on few hours of sleep & my niece Gennean. & thanks to my dad for his guest appearance. He threw down $20 for a little Virgin Mary wooden Statue (a good Catholic man). :)

Because of this sale i'm so happy to report that we were able to pay off our Wells Fargo loan!!!! (2 more to go). This was a line of credit that we used to pay for the last of the adoption costs. Greg & i hated this loan because just when we thought we were almost paid off another fee came our way...all legitimate fees of course but they just added up.

So we have 1 more loan & 1 more credit card to pay off & i am so hopeful that it can happen. When we first prayed about this adoption, the financial component was one of my biggest concerns. I trusted that God would provide for us but at times my faith was a bit shaky. I really thought that after we adopted Andrey & he was home that we would not be able to do any more fund raising but i was so wrong...we've been receiving so many financial gifts that i do not even know how to take it all in.
I just know that when we are done with this debt, i will find other people who are trusting God with financial challenges, & help them...just like we've been helped.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the post. I can share it with the friends who donated some items to the cause.
WOOOO WHOOO on paying off the line of credit. What a wonderful celebration and burden lifted.

And what a great way to show that God wants us to do things in community. Having others help out is their way of "adopting" a child of God through you.

Love you all. Keep smiling Dini's!
-Lori R

msilva said...

Hi Dini family,
I don't know you personally but over the past week I have looked up my sister-in-laws blog and instead yours popped up...4 times now!
I think God is speaking to me that I am not alone in this journey. I personally don't know any parents that have adopted a child. But then in Gods amazing way he placed this beautiful little girl in or arms. My husband (who is also a cop and also looks great in his uniform ;) love men in uniform!) and I where married 7 years ago. When we got married I had a son who is now 15 and then we had a son who is now 7! We where we thought...God on the other hand had plans for us! I recieved a phone call on Oct.24 06 from my grandmother saying that we had a family member who had a 1 year old daughter that was being placed in the system and that all parental rights where to be terminated therefore she would go up for adoption in Colorado. I didn't miss a beat...I just said I will take care of her. She didn't put herself in this situation and I would do whatever I could to help. I woke my hubby up from a swing shift sleep (love and said we need to go take care of this little girl, she needs us. he never replied. about 6 hours later into his shift he called and said "What's her name?" and didn't say another word or want to hear any thing else about it! After all we where done he was "fixed"!!!! Long story short my mother and I drove to Colorado on Dec 11th, just her and was an adventure I'll never forget. I just wanted to meet her and see if thier was a connection. I swear I never believed it before...but it was love at first sight. From that day forth we fought for her. I cryed for her, leaveing her in such horrid conditions until the process for gaurdianship went through. My husband and I flew to colo. on March 30 and he met "his daughter"! He is still shocked at how when he got out of the Hummer she ran to him and reached up to be heald...he had tears as he turned to me and said "honey, she knows me...and we have never met" My heart melted and I thanked God for that moment. We officially adopted Kylie on April 24, 2008! It has been pretty smooth from my point of view. But it is hard being a Momma to 3 kids. We joke that we have the "tradional family" far as kids...mine, ours and someone else's! We wouldn't have it anyother way.
I relate to you alot when you wrote about sitting back and realizing what a blessing God has trusted us with and how blessed we are to have her. And that just a year and a half ago she didn't know the words Dad, Mom or Brothers....and the rest of the family also.
I would love to chat because I am alone in this journey. And I believe by fate your story has crossed my path.
please contact me at
And your family is now in my prayers and my heart.
Michelle Silva

Anonymous said...

how can you write a so cool blog,i am watting your new post in the future!